Primary source bibliography format
Primary source bibliography format mla!
Primary Sources Guide
Photographs are common primary sources because they present a visual record of a moment in time.
Primary source bibliography format
They can be used to enhance our understanding of events, people, places, and much more.
According to APA Guidelines, when you include a photograph in your text, you must present it as a figure in addition to citing the source.
Check the "Cartoons and Illustrations" tab to see how you should format your figures.
Photograph From a Website
Last name, Initial(s) of Artist. (Year). Photograph Title in italics [Photograph].
Website Name. URL
Silver, W. (1986). Factory [Photograph]. New York Public Library Digital Collections.
In-text citation (Artist's last name, Year):
(Silver, 1986)
Photograph From an Article
Format (when the artist is the same as the author):
Last name, Initial(s) of Aut