Mokhtar maghraoui 2009 audi
Mokhtar maghraoui 2009 audi e.
Welcome to the sacred knowledge library of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui
Sacred Knowledge
Sacred knowledge, the greatest of all knowledge, is intended to illuminate our heart’s insight, deepen our experiential discovery of the Divine, and grant us resolution and resolve to seek a path to Him of true freedom and noble happiness.
May the sacred knowledge that you find here — and, most importantly, the practice of this knowledge — assist you to polish and purify your heart.
Who is Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui?
With decades of experience as a scholar, Imam, teacher and spiritual mentor, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui is widely loved and revered.
Mokhtar maghraoui 2009 audi
He is thoroughly versed in both the external and internal sacred Islamic sciences and holds a doctorate that joins between the fields of theoretical physics and engineering. Please read his full biography, as well as the biography of his spiritual mentor, Shaykh Muhammad Emin Er (may Allah sanctify his soul), here.