Saint therese the little flower novena
Saint therese the little flower novena
St. Therese of Lisieux Rose Novena - Little Flower Prayers!
Novena to St. Theresa the Little Flower
Novena to St. Theresa the Little Flower
First Day
O Heavenly Father, Who in Thine ineffable goodness didst place in the soul of St.
Theresa of the Child Jesus the precious treasure of sanctifying grace, and didst grant her ever to keep it in the midst of earthly dangers, we pray Thee to grant to us for our part the happiness of never losing this inestimable gift whereby we become Thine adopted children, the brothers and sisters of Thy Son Jesus, the temples of the Holy Spirit and the heirs of Heaven.
Enable us, to this end, carefully to avoid mortal sin which would rob us of this grace more to be desired than all the wealth of the world, to fly the occasions of sin, and to resist temptation.
We implore these graces through the intercession of the one who was ever Thy faithful child and whose memory we venerate.
Theresa of the Child Jesus, who would have preferred to die rather than lose God's grace, vouchsafe to obtain for us all the